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Clip bardage angulaire pour pose dalles carrelage mono-format, multi-format et lattes carrelage

Clip bardage angulaire pour pose dalles carrelage mono-format, multi-format et lattes carrelage

Clip bardage angulaire pour pose dalles carrelage mono-format, multi-format et lattes carrelage


This particular CLIP, both Head and Base, is used in the case of a vertical “corner” infill, instead of using two Head clips and two Base clips, a single Head clip and a single Base clip are used.

It is made of stainless steel, simple and quick to install.


Code Type Size Pcs (Per Box)
P021000932 Angular lining head clip PR - SE - NM - SB - SRT d. 110 mm supports' head 25
P021000912 Angular lining base clip PR - SE - NM - SB - SRT d. 110 mm supports' head 25

Demande d’informations sur: Clip bardage angulaire pour pose dalles carrelage mono-format, multi-format et lattes carrelage